Informationen zum Fach Englisch
Why learning English at a vocational school?
Nowadays companies do business not only in their country but all over the world. Parts can be produced in the Czech Republic, Taiwan and China, put together in Germany and sold in the United States of America. People of the same company are employed all over the world. Tomorrow a supplier from England might call because of a delay in delivery or a customer from the United States might ask for assistance. We should be able to understand, answer and help. Globalization is real, and to keep up with this development, it is necessary to speak English. More and more companies do their business in English, e.g. Deutsche Bank. Companies like BMW or Siemens are looking at the "Englischzertifikat" when they hire new staff, especially in the commercial field. Employers, chambers, teachers, and politicians agreed that English is so important nowadays that they included it into nearly all new syllabuses. In this sense our team of English teachers tries to support the professional as well as the social and intercultural aspects of the English language by applying modern teaching methods and technologies.
Florian Sammer